Annaleigh Ashford
Annaleigh Ashford

I've had such an amazing opportunity to work on so many different types of projects that continued on to Broadway. Unfortunately I didn't always continue on with them. Still, you know, I always had such a great pride in kind of helping the authors and directors create the show.

Anne Hathaway
Anne Hathaway

My whole M.O. in my 20s was being in as many different types of films as you can. Working with as many different types of directors as you can. I think, in part, that's what I wanted to do as an actor.

Anthony Fauci
Anthony Fauci

The immune system's goal is to protect the body against invaders either from without, such as microbes, or from within, such as cancers and different types of neoplastic transformation.

Anthony Russo
Anthony Russo

It's hard to give specific advice because there's so many different types of animals. In making movies, you just have to figure out what type of animal you are and then find the road.

Antonio Banderas
Antonio Banderas

If you call a cat, he may not come. Which doesn't happen with dogs. They're different types of animals. Cats are very sexy I think too in the way they move.

Ashley Nell Tipton
Ashley Nell Tipton

I get so many different types of people emailing me how much my story impacts them. Hearing that inspires me every day to keep going and going.

Ashton Sanders
Ashton Sanders

Hollywood is showing respect for all different types of art.

Ashton Sanders
Ashton Sanders

I want to keep doing projects that speak for people within the community and tell different types of meaningful stories.

Chance The Rapper
Chance The Rapper

Every song on '10 Day' is a completely different sound - the cadence, the flow, even the production - because I like so many different types of music and because my taste is so refined. 'Acid Rap' is another tape where every song sounds different.

Charlie McDowell
Charlie McDowell

I'm not one of those people who only believe in the Netflix model. I go see films in the theater and love that experience and don't want it to ever die. But I like that Netflix exists, and you can discover so many different types of movies and TV and content you wouldn't have access to.